We understand that not everyone has the ability to purchase a gun and/or equipment right away. We also understand that some people who are new to guns and certain related equipment might not have the experience needed to make an educated purchase on what might be best for them. We have seen too many people who purchase their first gun on the advice of a friend or gun shop employee only to find out on the range that that gun is not right for them. If you find yourself in either one of the above-mentioned categories or similar situations and still want to benefit from our training courses, we highly recommend using our equipment to complete the training. This is a great way for you to get the training you need along with gaining firearms experience and how they function to see what is right for you before making a large purchase. Something else we offer is the ability to purchase ammunition from us. We understand that sometimes certain calibers can be difficult to find in stock, especially in larger quantities needed for a training course. If you want to benefit from our training and already have your own equipment, but you are unable to find ammunition or you are new to the types of ammunition or for any other reason, you can purchase it from us. We will make sure it is available to you on the day of training. You can purchase a full loadout or partial loadout (100 round increments) if you already of have some of your own. Lastly, a unique thing we offer to those who are new to handguns/rifles or those looking at purchasing another handgun/rifle is what we call the "John Wick Experience”. With this you can shoot several different makes, models, and calibers, of handguns and/or rifles at the end of the training course. This is a great way to experience other handguns/rifles and see first had the differences between them, especially if you are looking at buying your first handgun/rifle and/or a new one. The John Wick Experience includes the 100 rounds of ammunition along with the different types of handguns/rifles you want to shoot and a John Wick patch. You can shoot all one caliber or several different calibers as we will have different calibers available for your 100 rounds. Please note this is course specific. The handguns are made available for handgun training courses and to those who purchased the John Wick Experience only. The rifles are made available for the rifle training courses and those who purchase the the John Wick Experience only. Below are prices and options for equipment rentals and/or ammunition purchases, along with additional information on the John Wick Experience. Please note, depending on the current market, some prices might fluctuate. Gun and Equipment Rental Handgun Only: $45.00 Glock 9mm (17, 19, 19X or 45X) or similar style pistol with holster, 3 magazines, and magazine holder/carrier Rifle Only: $65.00 AR-15 with red dot sight, adjustable sling, 3 magazines, and magazine holder/carrier Gun/Equipment and Ammunition Bundle $245.00 – Handgun (9mm Glock or similar 9mm style pistol) with training course ammunition $340.00 – Rifle (AR-15) with 5.56 with training course ammunition Ammunition Purchase Full Loadout: Ammunition loadout specific to the selected training course (price depends on caliber and course type) Partial Loadout: $40.00 – 9mm, Full Metal Jacket (FMJ), 100 rounds $50.00 – .40 caliber, Full Metal Jacket (FMJ), 100 rounds $60.00 – .45 ACP, Full Metal Jacket (FMJ), 100 rounds $55.00 – 5.56, Full Metal Jacket (FMJ), 100 rounds $55.00 – .223, Full Metal Jacket (FMJ), 100 rounds The John Wick Experience Handgun: $95.00 Includes 100 rounds of ammunition and your choice of handguns to shoot, along with a John Wick patch Rifle: $125.00 Includes 100 rounds of ammunition and your choice of rifles and/or pistol caliber carbines (PCCs) to shoot, along with a John Wick patch
* The John Wick Experience Disclaimer: The handguns are made available for handgun training courses and to those who purchase the John Wick Experience only. The rifles are made available for rifle training courses and those who purchase the John Wick Experience only. Please note, not all listed handguns and/or rifles (to include PCCs) will always be available, but there will always be a variety of different handguns and/or rifles (to include PCCs). If you have any questions regarding this or other topics, please contact use here: EMAIL
Intuitive Defense, LLC "Train. Act. Live."
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November 2024