Full disclosure, we support the Second Amendment right and the individual decision to exercise it through gun ownership. We also understand that there are times where an abortion is justified (danger to the mother’s life due to complications, quality of life for the baby due to sever development issues in the womb, etc.) therefore, we support the right of the individual to make their own decision regarding an abortion. Having said that, we know that each have the potential to cause death and the individual responsible for it (justified or not) will have to live with that decision, along with any possible repercussions from it. According to the data, abortions are responsible for far more deaths or the potential for death when used, than guns are. 619,591 - Induced Abortion in 2018 [source 1] 39,523 - Gun Deaths in 2019 [source 2] Our issue is not with either one, but with how politicians apply their “concern” to them unequally. For instance, in a statement released on January 22nd, 2021 by President Biden and Vice President Harris (full statement down below), they address their commitment to protecting the right of people to have an abortion and making it more available to people “regardless of income, race, zip code, health insurance status, or immigration status” [source 3]. I am very glad to hear that they are committed to protecting the rights of...some people anyway. Clearly, they are not as concerned about the death caused by abortion, which is interesting because in almost every instance, abortion leads to death. What It sounds like they are more concerned with is the individual right to make the decision to have an abortion, not the almost certain death caused by it. Applying their own logic to guns, they are on the opposite side of the spectrum. They want to restrict or ban guns because in some instances they cause death. What it sounds like here is, they are more concerned about the possibility of death, not the individual right to make the decision to own a gun. Now that we’ve established their concern for death, along with the individual right to make their own decision is not applied equally, my question is why? Since both topics concern the individual rights of a person and the potential for death, each topic should be able to be compared fairly on those two parameters. Since that is not the case here, I wonder what is the real motivation to further restrict or ban guns? Is it because it’s a political agenda? Is it because they want to deprive Americans from making the individual decision to exercise their Second Amendment right? Because guns are scary? Because “gun control” is a “feel good” topic? I do not know what the real reason is, but to me, the reason is not about the preservation of life, which they push. My ConclusionEvidence of their (President Biden and Vice President Harris) hypocrisy can be found in past statements discussing their concern for death caused by guns or that gun violence is a national health crisis/epidemic. My question to you sir and ma’am, how is approximately 39,523 death caused by guns any more of a health crisis or epidemic than approximately 619,591 deaths caused by abortions? Gun deaths in 2019 equal approximately 6.4% of the number of induced abortions for 2018. It should be noted, out of the 619,591 induced abortions it is reasonable to assume that some of them did not result in death or the fetus was no longer viable, so the cause of death might be slightly lower than that number. My opinion is, just like most politicians, they are full of crap. They have a specific agenda they are pushing in order to stay relevant and liked by the people who are most likely going to vote for them again in the future. To be fair, this is nothing specific to just them. This is politics and politicians on both sides of the political isle do the same thing. Matter of fact, more times than not, people decide who they are going to vote for based on the alignment of that politicians views with their own. There are plenty of politicians I support and plenty that I do not support, and even more that I think are worthless because they form their “beliefs” on what is trending at the time. My issue is not so much with politicians or what they stand for, but how they apply cause or “justification” against or for certain topics. If a politician is pushing to further restrict or ban the rights of the American people on the basis of preservation of life, then they better apply that concern consistently across the board. I get it, these two topics are not the same so it is very difficult to compare them equally, but they are similar as both require the right to make a personal decision which could result in the possibility of death. In my opinion, regardless of your stance or position, if you support one more than the other, then you should support the individual right to make a decision on either. Related Articles
Statement Release by President Biden and Vice President Harris
10/6/2022 18:54:13
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11/9/2022 07:00:17
Suffer gun impact. Small stop pull east purpose free fear. Never field nothing I. Both stuff price food unit.
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