Make your voice heard! The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) is attempting to change rules and regulations as they pertain to stabilizing braces, which if passed, will negatively affect law abiding citizens who choose to exercise their Second Amendment right. This is an important issue if you are a firearms owner, regardless if you own/use a stabilizing brace or not. In my opinion, the reasons why it is important is because a stabilizing brace is an accessory. How people use it and for what reasons is well outside the scope of authority in this matter. Attempting to regulate stabilizing braces is a slippery slope and could potentially lead to further overreach in other areas, including, different firearms related accessories and/or attachments. It is not the job government (or the ATF) to limit peoples rights, it is their job to protect their rights. It is my opinion that any stabilizing brace regulations, laws, or legislation will only limit peoples rights, not protect them. If you want to make your voice heard, please do so by clicking the link below to post your comment. It is recommended to not use vulgarity as your comment might not get approved and/or posted. September 8, 2021 is the last day for submissions. Website Link: 👇👇👇 **link no longer active**
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Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (Chicago Mayor's Office), who in my opinion is a great politician (because it seems she only works to the benefit of herself and a few others, not to the benefit of the people she represents), but a horrible leader. A good leader addresses real problems and provides real solutions. A bad leader (Mayor Lori Lightfoot) ignores real problems and provides excuses. A good leader takes responsibility for their actions and attempts to correct their mistakes. A bad leader (Mayor Lori Lightfoot) takes no responsibility for their actions and attempts to blame everyone or everything else for their mistakes. A good leader is driven by facts and logic. A bad leader (Mayor Lori Lightfoot) is driven by feelings and emotions.
I said all that to say this, leadership is everything. If you have a bad leader, you’re going to get bad results. If you have a good leader, you’re going to get good results. Unfortunately, an officer lost her life (Ella french) and another officer is laying in a hospital bed battling for his life (his name was unknown at the time of writing this) because Mayor Lori Lightfoot ignores real problems and makes excuses, she takes no responsibility for her actions and attempts to blame everyone or everything else for her mistakes, and she is driven by feelings and emotions. Of course Mayor Lorie Lightfoot did not fire the gun that killed Chicago Police Officer Ella French and seriously injury another officer, but her failed leadership has helped create an environment where a culture of violence is allowed to thrive, thus, making the job of police officers even more challenging. Ultimately it is the good people of Chicago who feel this the most as their lives are impacted by bad people who’s unchecked actions inflict pain and suffering onto others through their criminal behavior. Thankfully the city of Chicago has amazing men and women who continue to put on that uniform and serve their communities, regardless of the dangers they face while on duty. If it was not for the brave men and women who tirelessly work as law enforcement officers dealing with the effects of bad leaders failed policies, Chicago (along with other areas across the country) would be in a far worse position. These officers act as the walls which help hold back the flood waters of violence caused by bad people who desire to do bad things. If an individual is willing to shoot police officers, there is a high probability that same individual is also willing to shoot anyone else. Although information on the suspect who shot those two Chicago Police Officers on Saturday night has not been released, there is a very good chance those bullets were never originally intended for those officers, but they took them anyway. Because those officers wanted to make the city a safer place, they took action and conducted a traffic stop, at which point they were fired upon. There is no telling where those bullets would have eventually gone if those officers did not do their job, but we know for sure where those bullets ended up and they were not in the body of a small child playing, or a bystander walking, or even a violent gang member as so many of the previous shooting in Chicago have ended with. Officer Ella French gave her life so others may live. She, along with so many other police officers have already made that sacrifice and every day moving forward, so many more are willing to put everything on the line. Thank you Chicago Police Officer Ella French for your commitment to the community. Your fellow officers will continue the watch from here. H.R. 127 is a bill introduced by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX-18) on January 4, 2021 which seeks to further restrict the Second Amendment right of the America people. Some people might be familiar with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee from past statements where she showed her ignorance about firearms when she made absurd correlations. It is also imperative to mention that she is not a subject matter expert in this area, but yet, she is spearheading this bill. This bill does not necessarily prevent people from owning firearms, but it makes the whole process more difficult, time consuming, costly, and less private. In my opinion, this will not make anyone safer. In fact, I think it will hurt people because criminals tend to prey on people who do not have the means or ability to effectively protect themselves or their family. A gun is that means, especially in the uncertain times we are in now with crime rates continuing to rise across the country, mostly due to failed policies and practices of elected officials. Here are some of the objectives this bill seeks to accomplish:
This bill will only negatively affect gun owners who use their gun, magazines, and ammunition for sport shooting, hunting, target shooting, and defensive applications. For instance, requiring a license for gun ownership is infringement of a right. Licenses are used for privileges like driving and therefore can be revoked at any point in time for any reason. A right is a right, not a privilege. Another way this negatively affects gun owners is banning magazines over 10 rounds. Almost all semi-automatic handguns and rifles come from the factory with magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. So current gun owners who have magazines that fall within this ban will be forced to discard their own property which was legally bought before implementation of this bill. They would be expected to do this without compensation or due process of assets forfeiture. I think it is good advice for gun owners to seek additional training, but it should be voluntary, not mandatory. If people are ok with mandatory training to use this right, then I guess they’d be ok with the government making training mandatory to use other rights, as in, you can only use your freedom of religion after going through government training. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, along with other politicians seek to make it a requirement that the American people who choose to exercise their Second Amendment right undergo psychological examinations and apply for a license, along with providing additional information in order to use one of their rights. If this bill passes, hang onto your butts because it will only be a matter of time until politicians attempt to apply these same requirements to our other rights. Imagine being forced by the government to undergo mandatory training to use your First Amendment right. Imagine being forced by the government to apply for a license before you can use your Fourth Amendment (protection against unreasonable search and seizure) right. Imagine being forced by the government to undergo a mental evaluation before you could use your Ninth Amendment (the rights that are enumerated cannot infringe upon rights that are not listed in the Constitution) right. H.R. 127 is filled with “feel good” stuff that, at a quick glance, seems to be “common sense”, but when you break them down, it sets a dangerous precedent for our other rights and does nothing to “protect” people. If the objectives in this bill really work to provide “safety” to people, then cities with very strict gun laws would theoretically have the lowest amount of gun related injuries and/or deaths. It is reasonable to assume, if this bill passes, we will see crime rates continue to climb. Do not sacrifice your rights or the rights of others for the illusion of “safety”. Whether you use your Second Amendment right or not, it is yours to use or not us if you so choose. Do not let your ability to choose be taken from you. It is not the job of government to limit our rights, it is their job to protect them! Contact your representatives and let them know it is their job to protect our rights, not infringe on them. Let them know H.R. 127 is not good for the American people. It is important that we all do this, even if you are not actively using your Second Amendment right. Just because you’re not using it does not mean it is not yours. If one right falls, they all fall. - Link to the Bill - Related Articles
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